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Finals - Narrative Fact Project

For our crit on our first project “Narrative Fact” I presented three A3 photos from my final twenty photo sequence, which I also printed all of on A4. During the crit I talked about the whole project, what I found interesting and what tested me throughout the prosses.  I tried to use a compact flash when it was needed. Which helped me to gain more confidents with using flash and getting used to all the technical aspects of using it. 

From doing this project I found out a lot more about the subjects that I was photographing. I thought I knew them all really well already but from spending time with them one on one in their own private spaces they opened up to me more. From me pointing things out in their room they would talk to me  about what it meant to them or where they got it from. 

As everyone I photographed knew me they were all fine talking to me and letting me photograph them but as soon as I brought the camera out they acted completely different. I found with the girls more than the guys that they tensed up more and worried more about the way they should or wanted to look, were as I wanted to capture them naturally. After spending a while with them in their space they would relax and forget about me and the camera being there. Over all I found it a lot harder photographing the people I knew than I thought I would.

Within the project I was told to try and produce more constructed portraits. I struggled to start of with as I am not a bossy person and always find it hard telling people what to do but after a while telling people what I wanted them to do became a lot easier. The constructed portraits had a completely different feel to them, they were more direct because you could tell they had more direction than the other portraits I had taken previously. I got more confident with constructing and creating good portraits as I normally focused mostly on capturing naturel photos because they are what I felt most comfortable taking and think always look better.

To start of with I was uncertain about project as I was not sure about my idea and how I would put it all together. In the end though I was extremely happy with out come over all. I thought my message of identity being effected by our environment came across quite strongly over all. 

The feed back from the crit, was to just be more confident about the work I am producing. Also that they could have seen it progressed even further with more time. 

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