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Future in the photographic landscape…

Talking about a future in the photographic landscape is a some what motivational and scary prospect. Due to not knowing what opportunities will come your way, but this should not be scary, as a photographer we can make our own opportunities by reaching out to others in the photographic field, through competitions, networking and other major factors. If you put in enough you will get the same back. By working hard, having clear and defined career ideas and supporting each other. Thereby creating your own pathway and future. 

When deciding what to do with furthering my future in photography, I have overall, thought about what it is I love, so as to do what I love as a career. While also creating goals for myself to reach or to aim for. My aim overall is to eventually have my own freelance business in photography and by having this goal, it has led me to think about steps and stages I need to take to reach it. 

Any career takes time to develop and enhance your skills so I know it will not just happen over night, I will have to work the hardest I ever have to pull this off and make it work for myself. Facing the task head on, my main aims are to build up money to build my business.  There will be sacrifices I will have to make. There will be failures and success along the way.  

I will be visualising my ambitions as steps such as 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 5 years.

By doing this it will be easier to asses what I have been able to achieve in a small amount of time. To measure it day by day will not help, to work out how far I have come, as I will not be able to identify the time it has taken me to get to accomplish a step. I will be able to acknowledge my success and milestones better this way. 

An aspect of huge importance to my journey will be to stay connected within the photographic field by networking. Supporting my course mates and sticking together to help each other be seen and grow. While networking I will work with and support those who I can trust, who can pick me up, who understand and who reflect with me on our works. 

The photographic landscape is made up of a lot of different careers and areas that make the medium a strong community. Meaning there are lots of jobs / careers to possibly go into to develop and work up to where I want to be. 

There are many other aspects to consider to be successful, such as location, financial situation and internships that are available. All I know at the moment is that I will be looking into my plans and ideas further before finishing university so I have an overall goal that is more defined. I will for now and the rest of my life do what I love which is photography. Making work for personal self and fun but also for a career. 

When developing my plans and research it will help me to understand what I need to do in further detail and will help me to be realistic in my ambitions but also encourage me to further pursue the different things I will be hoping to do throughout my career, as I do not want to restrict myself and what I believe I am capable of. 

My all has always gone into my education of photography and has moved on to making a career out of it, which I am determined to do. Knocks and rejection will happen and not everyone will like my work but these are given to better ourselves and move on from, which I will always do. I will not let anything stop me from achieving my goals! I will get there through everything that is thrown my way, as it will make me stronger overall. 

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