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For the project Narrative Fact, I saw my work as working best to be presented as a book with text in it rather than a sequence. I thought that it would help to explain the context of what I was documenting more and it would be easier for people to understand. Now the images below a show the layout of my end book and where the text was meant to go. I did not add the text in on InDesign but I did decided to write it in on my dummy book after. ( Which is way the text is not on the pictures) I did decide to use quotes from each individual that I used. I got the quotes from interviewing them with questions about their childhood. The whole idea of this project was to show how environment effects our identity and we make our own spaces personal and private to us. The idea that our childhood has a huge impact on our personalities as we grow up to find out who we are. Your room is private and personal to you as it hold everything personal to you. I also included picture in over areas and out and about to show how these areas also effect a personal personality. 

Some of the quotes that I used I will right out in order of how the went in the book so that when looking through the book the text can be placed and read along with the images like it was meant to be: The 1st page that shows with TEXT written on it would just explain like I have previously what the project is about over all. But from there onwards the texts are the quotes that I am writing in order. 

“My 3 worst qualities are procrastinating, socially awkward and a very sleepy person.”

“I admire my mum she has accomplished everything I want to do.”

“I have a really close family so we spend holidays all together. There is about 30 of us all sitting down for Christmas dinner.”

“My family is originally from Ireland.”

“I don’t know the correct amount of pasta to cook.”

“I remember 2 evens from growing up, the Olympics and 911.”

“I have a massive interest in Buddhism but I’m not quiet there yet, to say I’m Buddhist.”

“I has a spinal fusion in 2016 which was pretty hard. It gave me a better appreciation for my health.”

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