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Experiments (Fantasy)

After coming back from Christmas our first lesson back I got to show my photos I had taken for each story. The feed back from the session was very positive. It was suggested to me to experiment with the photos I had taken in a similar way to how Julia Fullerton - Batten creates her projects of work. It was suggested for me to look at her series called “Old Father Thames” for inspiration on how I could experiment with the images that I had taken for my stories. The images below are from this series and did inspire me. The reminded me of a more modern Henry Peach Robinson montage. 

From these images I decided to see what work and did not work with my own images. Here are some of the outcomes that I feel could work well within my final book. 

Over all some of these photos will definitely be used in the end product but some I feel are not as strong or relevant to the feel I am going for, but it has been fun experimenting with different styles and techniques. 

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